Learning, Writing and Tracing The English Alphabet

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Online Guided Reading | How To Read Faster With Phonetics & Phonics Play

Online Guided Reading | How To Read Faster With Phonetics & Phonics Play

Once your child master the alphabet, its time to get him/her to start reading.

This is the easiest material to start your child with.  He/she can start to read as early as 2 years old.

Teaching your child to read early and well has multiple benefits and is the key to your child's academic future. The main reason is that reading is at the heart of all formal education. Below are some of the many advantages of developing early reading ability in your child.
  • Neurological - Reading helps to develop a young child's brain. In the first six years, children learn at a much faster pace than at any other time in their lives. Vital connections in the brain are made very early in life.
  • Educational - Reading opens the door to your child's early academic success, imparts a love of learningand leads to higher grades in every subject. Numerous studies have shown that strong oral language skills are the basis for literacy development. When children learn to read at an early age, they have greater general knowledge, expand their vocabulary and become more fluent readers. 
  • Psychological - A child who learns to read joyfully at home, at an early age, with a loving parent or caregiver, grows in self-confidence and independence. Reading promotes greater maturity, increases discipline and lays the basis for moral literacy.
  • Social -  Early readers have the opportunity to relate to their peers on a more confident, more competent level as they are already being recognized for their superior accomplishments. Such experiences increase the child's social status among peers as well as his or her self-image and self-confidence.
  • Linguistic - Children who can read independently and early have more opportunities to encounter the written word. The sooner children learn how to read, the more books, knowledge, and ideas they will be exposed to. The result? Improved linguistic skills in the form of a richer vocabulary, correct grammar, improved writing, better spelling and more articulate oral communication.

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